I was so thrilled and excited to see that Kate at Whimsical, Whamsical, Whumsical gave me a Beautiful Blogger Award! I have been seeing these pop up on different blogs I follow. Each blog that has one so far is truly sensational, so I am honored Kate picked me!
Kate has an awesome book blog. She reads and reviews books from a variety of genres and posts awesome reviews. Her blog look is absolutely to die for, too. Green and damask - gorgeous!
I would like to pass the award on to some awesome lady bloggers. I have been reading some of these blogs for a while, and some I just discovered. All of them have something great to offer - please check them out! Of course, tell them that mrs.messi sent you :)

You are too sweet. I feel so honored. I don't know how beautiful my next post will be, but I am going to post my birth story as soon as I get a chance. I really appreciate your kind words and hope that you will continue to read my blog! :)
Thank you so much for thinking of me! It's my pleasure to be able to enjoy so many wonderful blogs from such nice people. Thank you!
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much!!!
I feel so honored. Thanks! :-)
You've just made my day! Now it will be a little easier as I fly past my due date tomorrow, still pregnant ;) Thank's so much, you rock!
thanks so much for the award!! I just been reading through your blog and i love it!! I'll be back!
Thank you SOOOO much sweetie!
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