Monday, May 3, 2010

How far along? 32w5d

Total weight gain: Up another lb...steady

How big is baby? By now, baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb.

Maternity clothes: Yep

Stretch marks: Haven't really changed...just a few on the underside and a couple of purple dots on my hips

Sleep: Depends. I definitely don't get enough!

Movement: I love watching the baby move. I could do without her pushing on my lungs, though!

Food cravings: Not really

Food aversions: Not really

Belly button: Shallow, but an innie

Symptoms: The swelling is not fun! I've started wearing Ted hose to work. Boo :(

What I'm looking forward to: Putting all the baby gear into the nursery

Weekly Wisdom: Put your feet up as much as humanly possible

Weekly joy: Matthew put the furniture into the nursery today!!! I love looking in there!


Jen J. said...

So exciting that the nursery furniture is up & assembled!! Can't wait to see how it turns out. Oh 7 also, we still need to have a me!