Friday, October 16, 2009

It's going to be a long 9 months!

I just got this text message from M: "I love you baby! I love you Lisa, also!" I love when he shows how excited he is to have a little one on the way. He's been kissing and rubbing my belly every night. He's also been doing extra things for me, too. Yesterday he went out on a full grocery trip. It was so nice for me to just lay on the couch while he catered to me :)

I have already been hit with the tired stick. Yesterday I yawned all day long, and by the time I got home, I felt exhausted. I was in bed by 10 and asleep by 10:30. Totally tucked out. I can tell already - and it is only 10:20am, that tonight I will probably be in bed ever earlier. I also discovered yesterday that I can't eat cream cheese. Two days ago, it tasted funny. Yesterday it was inedible and made me gag. That stinks, because I usually eat an english muffin with cream cheese on most mornings. Today I had a donut - no aversion to that!


Celeste said...

That is so sweet of your hubby! :)

Mary said...

Love the text message! So sweet. Sorry about your aversion to cream cheese. Sometimes it just stinks what you can't eat. Olive Garden and spinach dip were gross to me...and you know I couldn't eat at Red Robin. Hope that one doesn't happen to love it there!