Hi everyone! I promise to do a catch-up post on the last year of our life very very soon. I just haven't had the time to even think of where I would start with such a thing. I don't want to get behind on my weekly pg posts, though. So here you gooooo....
How far along? 5w5d
Total weight gain/loss: Not really checking. I would assume I'm the same though.
How Big is Baby?: The size of a sesame seed
The brain and heart are starting to develop!
Maternity clothes: I confess, I wore maternity pants yesterday. I had to take Felicity to her kidney specialist, so I knew I would be much more comfortable in them. Once we got our in public, I felt a little foolish, because they make my bloat look much more like a bump. I had this fear that someone would ask me if I was pregnant, and when I told them 5 weeks, they would start laughing! Thank goodness that didn't happen! LOL
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: Still having trouble falling asleep. By mid afternoon, I am very tired.
Movement: No
Food cravings: No
Food aversions: Food wasn't as gross this week, but I still don't have much of an appetite
Symptoms: I've felt a little better in week 5 then I did in 4. The bloat is down some (but still annoyingly there, making my pants feel tight!), but the nausea hasn't affected me as much. I did gag and throw-up once.
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I am looking forward to: First appt next Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom: Nap any chance you get.
Weekly Joy: I shared the secret with a few select friends so far (MC, TH, MM, EJ). Everyone seems very excited, which makes me more excited!
Crossfire (Extreme Measures #2) by Lynette Eason
10 hours ago
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