How far along? 34w5d - late again :)
Total weight gain: Don't know - don't wanna care!
New question - Appointments: I thought I would add this since I'm going to be going to the doc a lot now! At my appt on Thursday, I was still measuring 1 weeks behind (3 appt in a row!), heartbeat was perfect at 150, and baby was still breech. I have a sonogram scheduled for Thursday to measure baby's size and check presentation.
How big is baby? Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which she'll need to regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.
Maternity clothes: Yes, definitely. I'm going to be looking into buying more scrubs pants - I only have 1 pair that I can say actually fits!
Stretch marks: A few on the underbelly and a few "stretch dots" on my hips...very annoying!
Sleep: I wake at least once every night. I wonder when I will actually have a good nights sleep again. Probably not for a looooong time!
Movement: I don't feel many kicks anymore, mainly just squirming and hiccups. The other day I didn't feel anything for about 8 hours. It made me very nervous, but after I laid down on the couch and daddy talked to my belly, she started moving. I don't like being scared like that!
Food cravings: The other night it was apple juice, yesterday it was lemonade. Weird!
Food aversions: Not really
Belly button: Still a shallow innie
Symptoms: I hate the heartburn the most out of any sx right now... I HATE it...and live off Tums!
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing baby girl on Thursday! I'm hoping for a great profile shot and a confirmation that she is indeed a girl!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep as much as possible!
Weekly joy: We asked my sister and her fiance to be Felicity's Godparents :) I ordered our strollers - one travel system and a jogging stroller! I can't wait for them to arrive!
The Last One at the Wedding by Jason Rekulak
1 week ago
I can't wait to hear that you've had your little bundle!!
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