Thanks to everyone who is a follower! I'm proud to say that 25 people care about what I have to say, or at least cared enough to click "Follow" :)
In honor of YOU, I'm doing my first giveaway!
You could win one of the following (since I love starbucks, books and babies!):
1. A $10 Starbucks Gift Card

2. A $10 Barnes and Nobel Gift Card

3. A $10 Babies R Us Gift Card

Here's how you can enter to win:
1. Become a follower of the blog and leave a comment telling me. If you are already a follower, just comment and let me know.
2. Let me know which gift card you would choose and what you would do with it.
3. Promote this blog and contest via your blog. In your comment, don't forget to leave a link to your promotion.
Rules: Since this is my first giveaway, I'm limiting it to readers in the U.S. and Canada . If it's successful, I may be able to open up future giveaways to my other readers. I have to be able to contact you, so leave an email address. That's it! Now enter...and tell all of your friends about it.The contest ends on Thursday, January 21. I will pick a winner using the number generator.
Don't forget to leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry, or they will be counted as one.
Special thanks to Angel at The Simple Things for the contest rules that I copied right from her contest post!
I follow your blog on my RSS feeder. We are due about the same time, so it has been interesting relating to what you are going through. Thanks! Mamie
I am now a follower! I definitely think the BN giftcard would be best.
I am a follower!
I would want to BRU gift card! I'd use it towards baby necessities!
oh and my email address is jordenandkristin at gmail dot com! Thanks! :)
I became a new follower!!
Following! I'd love a B&N gift card because I can never have too many books!
I would choose the Starbucks one and treat myself to a Grande White Chocolate mocha!!
I follow - I'd use the Starbucks card to supply my chocolate covered coffee beans addiction.
I am now a follower! My website is
I'd really take any of them...but I guess first choice would be BRU, then Starbucks!
Whoops, my email is, thanks!
Oooh! Fun! I am already a follower!
Also- I would definitely go for the Starbucks gc- it is so tempting with one right across the street from my office!
I am a follower. I would do the Barnes and Noble one because I never treat myself to books I just borrow from the library.
I linked it in my blog:
I am a follower. I think the Starbucks card is the best!
I'm a follower. I would like the Barnes and Noble card. I would buy books!
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
I would be thrilled with either the Starbucks or the B&N
msgb245 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower!
I would prefer the B&N gift card. With it, I'd buy Shiver, which my library has yet to get.
I follow your blog via Google Friend. I would choose the Barnes and Noble!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I would choose the Barnes and Noble because I love to read!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I am a follower!
It's a toss up as to which card I would chose! I love Starbucks but I also have a 4mo old so maybe the Babies R Us!
(email address is lauren.greenway at gmail dot com)
I just started following so now you have 26 followers! I'm a fellow NBCer and I don't know how to choose, books, coffee or baby stuff?! These are the three places most of my money goes. I guess if forced to choose I'd say Starbucks to keep my caffeinated while I read and write.
Oh and I'm jnaomicline at yahoo.
I'm a follower and I would love the Starbucks card--My son loves to go there and get hot chocolate--I want a mocha frappuccino I just can't do it--maybe with a giftcard I can spend a little on my self.
I'm a new follower on google friend connect! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
Blog follower - Nickolay
I think I would like the Starbucks Gift Card. Congrats on your first giveaway!
I'm a follower! :)
...and I would want a B&N Gift Card!
I'm a follower
I really want the Barnes and Noble gift card
I am a new follower and already enjoying your blog! Thank you!
I would choose the Starbucks gift card because it's my second home, LOL, and I would treat myself to a peppermint mocha soy latte and a nice dessert if I am lucky enough to win! Thank you!
I promoted this blog and this contest via my blog!
link to my post:
I would pick the Starbucks card.
I am a follower via Google Friends Connect.
I would love the Barnes and Nobel gift card.
I follow on Google.
I would like to win the B&N GC because I need new books.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I'm already a follower!
I would also like a BN gc
Whoops, I did 2 in 1. So I would want a BN giftcard and I would pre-order the 3rd book in the Hunger Games trilogy with it
I'm a follower! I would choose the B&N gift card b/c I'm a big time reader & will hopefully use it to buy a baby book if this IVF cycle goes well!
Tough decision! I would probably choose the Barnes & Noble gift card.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi! I'm michellibell from NBC. :) I'm expecting my 4th baby on March 16th - so I'd love the Babies R Us gift card. Diapers are always needed! ;) My blog is Stop by and check out the crazy life of a coach's wife. Thanks! Amy
Starbucks rules! You know where to find me if I win! =)
I am a follower. I would love the B&N card as I LOVE to read
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